Helping one person may not change the whole world, but it can change the world for that one person.

By donating CHF 500 or more, you automatically become a mine-ex Friend. By making a regular donation, you become something like a sponsor for those affected. Your contribution is tax-deductible. You will receive a donation receipt from us together with our thanks. You can cancel your status at any time by donating less than CHF 500. You do not enter into any legal relationship.

As a mine-ex Friend, you can also opt for sponsorship

  • The physiotherapy degree programme costs US$ 2,400 per year.
  • The degree programme in orthopaedic technology costs US$ 12,000 per year.
  • Financing a microeconomic initiative costs US$ 1,000 on a one-off basis. This is like start-up financing for the self-employment of a mine victim. The one-off and non-repayable financing enables mine victims and their families to have a better future.

What do we offer mine-ex Friends?

  • Once a year, a special event with interesting presentations and interviews. We also organise an exchange with the Foundation Board. Because we are interested in your opinion
  • Priority for participation in the exclusive and very interesting mine-ex trip to Cambodia. You will experience the impact of your donation and gain an insight into exciting aid organisations as well as art and culture.
  • Additional information in summer
  • The option of full or partial sponsorship as described above.

